ProClinix Sports Physical Therapy & Chiropractic can help you achieve a pain-free life with our multidisciplinary team of Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, and Acupuncturists. Our mission is to provide exceptional care to our patients and we take pride in designing highly effective rehabilitation plans tailored to each patient. Since 2008, our team of doctors have been recognized for their collaborative approach to diagnosing and treating spine, musculoskeletal, and sports-related conditions. Our integrative approach addresses the specific injury and focuses on the entire body through personalized exercises and a thorough recovery plan, promoting long-term health and resilience. We accept most major insurances including Medicare, Workers’ Compensation, No Fault, NYSHIP / The Empire Plan, Aetna, and many more! Additionally, you don’t need a prescription to see us!
Services include:
– Physical Therapy
– Chiropractic
– Acupuncture / Dry Needling
– Massage Therapy
– Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
[email protected]
1 Elm Street, 1st Floor, Ardsley, NY (within House of Sports) — (914) 801-8811